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  • 🐧 5-figure expat side hustle growth playbook

🐧 5-figure expat side hustle growth playbook

6-step growth process, 2 templates, 1-2 punch, customer call script

Hey expats. I built a 5-figure career coaching side hustle during a travel sabbatical. I also spent 9+ years growing online products in Silicon Valley and Southeast Asia.

In my experience, the toughest thing about side hustles (and many businesses) is distribution.

So we’re going to deep dive into that growth good stuff. 🔥

Today in 10 minutes or less, you’ll learn:

  • 🥅 Setting expat side hustle goals

  • 🏡 Create your landing page (plus: 2 templates)

  • 🏎️ Drive traffic via your channel(s)

  • 🤝 Close sales using an intro call script

  • 🔁 Scale up using feedback loops

P.S. What questions do you think I should write about next? Hit reply — I’d love to hear from you!

🪝5-figure side hustle growth guide

⭐️ Recap

Two parts to getting sales:

  • Distribution: Getting leads

  • Sales: Converting leads into buyers

🧠 1. Prepare a growth mindset

 🛠️ “Build it and they will come” mindset is a recipe for failure. I know many builders who cringe at the thought of self-promotion.

The reality is no one will know about what you’ve built until you publicly share your work.

How to fix:

  1. Overcome your fear of self-promotion using a 30 day challenge. It is entirely possible to market your work authentically. Practice daily. Find what style fits you. If you’re competitive, challenge a friend to do 30 minutes each day over 30 days. Have fun with it!

  2. Allocate 30-60% of your time to distribution / sales. This is a rough benchmark based on my former side hustles. Start on the higher end until you get over the cold start hump.

🥅 2. Start with your end goal in mind

Now that you’ve cultivated the right mindset, lets zoom out to your money goal:

How much revenue do you want to generate from your side hustle in 1 year?

Let’s say, you aim to earn $1k USD / month.

🤔 How do you achieve this revenue?

Here’s your options:

  • Sell 1x $1000 product monthly

  • Sell 10x $100 products monthly

  • Sell 100x $10 products monthly

  • Sell 1000x $1 products monthly

🤔 Which option do you choose?

  • It’s up to you: Pros and cons exist for all pricing levels whether high, mid, or low end. Consider your own superpowers and interests.

  • Assess unit economics of your channel: Not every distribution channel will be feasible given the product price vs cost.


Let’s say you’re an 🤖 AI creator in a mature industry.

If you sell a $10 PDF guide, then inbound sales calls are not good ROI. Instead, directing free traffic from social media channels to a sales landing pages make more sense.

However, if you sell a $1000 (or higher) coaching session, then an inbound sales call may be worth your time.

🏡 3. Guide people to your home on the internet

💻️ Create a simple landing page. It’s not enough to just post on social media. You need to give people a place to go once they express interest in your product / service.

Here’s a simple landing page example from Justin Welsh:

📆 Setup a newsletter form and Calendly scheduling flow. Give customers ways to engage with you (sign up for newsletter) or reach out to learn more about your offer (schedule an intro call).

Example customer journey: 

Customer discovers your short-form Linkedin content
→ Clicks to visit your personal website / newsletter
→ Reads your long-form content
→ Books a free intro call via Calendly

✍️ Tailor your offer messaging based on customer needs. Use the templates below to output foundational copy that you can use for landing pages.

Template #1 Customer Needs

  • Segment: Sub-group that you’re targeting

  • Needs: Pain points they experience

Template #2 Offer Messaging

  • Hook: Why this segment should get excited to learn more

  • Benefits: What value does your offer deliver for this segment

  • Call-to-action: How these customers can get started (subscribe, buy)


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